Three Tips for Writing Accomplishment Statements

I think one of the most dreaded things about updating a LinkedIn profile (or resume) is coming up with accomplishment statements. Particularly if you’ve not kept a running list over the years, it can be quite challenging to think back to one, two, or three years ago and try to recall where you shined and what skill sets surfaced. Here are some tips to help you through the process.

1. If you haven’t kept a running list, start now.

Create a word document to house your accomplishments. Include all achievements, no matter how big or how small, and add them as they happen. Review this document monthly and include anything you may have forgotten. 

Over time, this will give you a variety of accomplishments to pick and choose from depending on the skill set, knowledge, or expertise you’re trying to highlight. It will also help you tailor your profile in a more future-facing manner, giving you a push towards where you want to be in your career over the next year.

2. Structure your statements to include the result or outcome.

One of the common roadblocks to writing accomplishment statements is thinking too broad. The brain wants to generalize and create an umbrella statement that describes multiple situations or a project as a whole. Don’t do this! Be as specific as possible. A single project can potentially contain a plethora of accomplishments.

It can be helpful to first formulate your accomplishment statements through something like CAR, SBO, or other similar structures.

 Describe the challenge or situation you faced to help refresh it in your mind. Think about the specific actions you took or the behavior you exhibited to resolve the matter. Also, think about what specific knowledge, skills, or expertise this demonstrated. Finally, what was the outcome or result? What benefit or improvement did it provide, and why should anyone care? Now, write 1-2 sentences describing the action or behavior and the result or outcome.

You now have an accomplishment statement!

Where possible, quantify as best you can. Not everyone has a job conducive to providing specific dollar figures and percentages as performance measurements. That’s okay, but include as much detail as possible.

Here’s an example:

Rather than saying “Developed and taught a course on financial basics that improved student understanding of budgeting their money,” say “Developed and taught 2-hour Finances 101 course to 60+ high school seniors that resulted in 50% increase in budgeting awareness.”


3. Add forward-facing accomplishment statements to your profile.

When deciding which statements to add to your LinkedIn profile, think about where you want to be in your career five years from now. This may require some significant soul searching for some, while it may be more clear-cut for others. Don’t be afraid to think big.

Now, break that goal into more manageable steps––one year and three-year targets. Focus on the one-year mark, and don’t worry about the rest. Review your running list of accomplishment statements and look for those statements that are most relevant to where you want to be in your career in the next year. If they add value to that goal, include them. Don’t add information that may keep you stagnant.

When it comes to writing accomplishment statements, experiencing overwhelm and writer’s block are common. Remember to take a deep breath and don’t try to write them all in one day. Focus on one at a time. Brainstorm, write it out to jog your memory, then reduce it to a couple of sentences. Finally, quantify where possible. Take breaks in between it all, and you’ll get through it!

#career #careeradvice #jobsearch #accomplishmentstatements

Steph Guillen

I’m an art therapy and counseling master’s degree program student, as well as an artist, writer, and program director with a strong background in communications, photography, art, and job search/employment strategies. I have a passion for uplifting marginalized communities through means that champion knowledge, growth, and empowerment. My professional history largely resides in working with unemployed mid-to-high level executives, refugees, immigrants, and newcomers from the Middle East. I’ve advocated for and empowered these communities through the mediums of online graphic communications, writing, education, workshops, program development, and art.

I combine skills in art, graphics, photography, writing, project management, content creation, social media, advocacy/awareness initiatives, program development, and research to make a positive impact.

Certificates in: Positive Psychology, The Science of Well-Being, Creative Writing, Therapeutic Art Life Coaching, Career Brand Management, and Social Media Marketing. Education in Graphic Communications Technology, Photography, Middle Eastern Studies, and International Relations. Pursuing a competitive M.A. program in Art Therapy & Counseling.


• Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies while working full-time.

• Nominated for membership in Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, Sigma lota Rho Honor Society, and The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement.

• Recipient of the Global Goodwill Ambassador’s Humanitarian Award in recognition of years of impactful volunteer work, primarily in the refugee and international arena.

• Inducted into the Golden Key International Society with a 4.0 GPA in Middle Eastern Studies.

• Invited and accepted into the following committees and board: YMCA International’s Refugee College Scholarship Committee five years in a row, YMCA International’s Triumph of the Human Spirit Art Selection Committee two years in a row, United Nations Association of Houston Board Member & Global Classroom Liaison, World Refugee Day-Houston’s Panel Committee and Fundraising Committee.


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