Online Marketing for Job Seekers, A Guide for Success

Effectively marketing yourself online is an essential thing for anyone in a modern-day job search or, more broadly, anyone with a career. To put it bluntly, those job seekers who don’t learn how to market themselves in the virtual arena effectively will get left behind. In fact, so many organizations now only hire from LinkedIn, meaning, if you’re not on LinkedIn with a complete profile and a large enough number of connections to be found, you don’t exist to them. Further, even if you are on LinkedIn, in many cases, if you aren’t ACTIVE on the platform - writing articles, posting your elevator pitch via video, or have your website showcasing your expertise and skills, your competition will win because they ARE doing that. Many college classes even require students to create and post their core message/elevator pitch VIDEO on their LinkedIn profile to pass the course.

So, how can you more effectively market yourself online to stand out from your competition? Here are some tips for success.

Online Networking Events:

Attend these! Also, when attending a Zoom or otherwise virtual networking event, turn your camera on! If you’re not going to turn your camera on at an online networking event, don’t even bother going. Seriously. Because no one is going to take you seriously or even remotely connect with you. It’s the equivalent of attending an in-person networking event with a bag over your head. To effectively make a human connection, which is the ENTIRE point of networking, you need to have eye-to-eye, face-to-face, virtual or otherwise contact. Period.

  • Turn your video on!

  • Participate! You can’t be the shy person, uncomfortable lurking in the digital background shadows if you want to network successfully.

  • Ask questions and be memorable.

  • Follow up with the people you meet on LinkedIn and stay in touch.

Be On LinkedIn and Be ACTIVE:

As mentioned before, being on LinkedIn is a MUST. But simply having a profile isn’t enough. You’ve got to be active on the platform because newsflash: some of your competition is thoroughly active there, and they are the ones who will catch the attention of the hiring manager. Another note, if you don’t include a profile photo, you’re going to get passed up. It’s the same concept as having your video on when networking. No one will take you seriously or make a genuine connection with you if you don’t appear human. That means showing your face. Again, you wouldn’t show up to an interview with a bag on your head and expect to land a job.

  • Have a photo!

  • Fill out your profile completely, in a 1st-person, conversational narrative. It’s not a place to paste your resume, folks.

  • Like, comment, and share industry-relevant posts!

  • Write your own authentic posts and articles showing off your skills, experience, and expertise.

  • Connect with people you know AND don’t know. LinkedIn is about expanding your network!

Create A Personal Website or Blog:

Designing your own website or blog will help lift you above your competition. Use it as an online portfolio or way to show off your knowledge AND your hobbies and interests. Going back to the whole human connection thing again, people want to hire interesting and likable people. That means showing a bit of who you are outside of the workplace. Using WordPress or Squarespace are just two of the many platforms you can use to create your website.

  • Use your own online space to show off your knowledge.

  • Become an industry expert by writing about the things you are experienced and excel at.

  • Don’t forget to include hobbies, interests, and your humanity!

  • Hiring managers WILL Google you. Show up awesome!

If I’m hiring for a position and come across a handful of highly qualified candidates, and three of the five are active on LinkedIn, I’m going to interview the active ones. Why? Because by being active, I can see their passion and drive for their career and industry. Further, I can see their talents shine in their writing, and I can see that they are staying current on industry trends through their posts, shares, and likes. If two of those three also have their own website, they will be more likely to get hired because they go above and beyond and show up in a more committed way.

If I go to a networking event and someone doesn’t bother to show their face, forget about it. I’m not going to take them seriously for even a second.

#jobsearch #career #careerstories #tipsandtricks #success #onlinebranding #networking

Steph Guillen

I’m an art therapy and counseling master’s degree program student, as well as an artist, writer, and program director with a strong background in communications, photography, art, and job search/employment strategies. I have a passion for uplifting marginalized communities through means that champion knowledge, growth, and empowerment. My professional history largely resides in working with unemployed mid-to-high level executives, refugees, immigrants, and newcomers from the Middle East. I’ve advocated for and empowered these communities through the mediums of online graphic communications, writing, education, workshops, program development, and art.

I combine skills in art, graphics, photography, writing, project management, content creation, social media, advocacy/awareness initiatives, program development, and research to make a positive impact.

Certificates in: Positive Psychology, The Science of Well-Being, Creative Writing, Therapeutic Art Life Coaching, Career Brand Management, and Social Media Marketing. Education in Graphic Communications Technology, Photography, Middle Eastern Studies, and International Relations. Pursuing a competitive M.A. program in Art Therapy & Counseling.


• Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies while working full-time.

• Nominated for membership in Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, Sigma lota Rho Honor Society, and The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement.

• Recipient of the Global Goodwill Ambassador’s Humanitarian Award in recognition of years of impactful volunteer work, primarily in the refugee and international arena.

• Inducted into the Golden Key International Society with a 4.0 GPA in Middle Eastern Studies.

• Invited and accepted into the following committees and board: YMCA International’s Refugee College Scholarship Committee five years in a row, YMCA International’s Triumph of the Human Spirit Art Selection Committee two years in a row, United Nations Association of Houston Board Member & Global Classroom Liaison, World Refugee Day-Houston’s Panel Committee and Fundraising Committee.


Personal Branding Advice: Combine Your Greatest Strengths and Values