How to Market Yourself to the Right Company

We've all worked for a company that drains us. The kind that makes us dread getting up in the morning and going to work. The kind that makes us continuously wish for the weekend and, when it finally arrives, waste half of it worrying about the work week ahead. But it doesn't need to be that way. Work is a two-way relationship between the employer and the people who hold the skill sets they need. Remember, companies don't hire people––people at companies hire people. It's all about relationships, and no one needs to remain stuck in one that is toxic, draining, or doesn't align with their values or overarching career goals.

Remember that regardless of whether you're employed but looking for something better or unemployed and looking for your next opportunity, you are a valuable human being with experiences, skills, and talents:

  1. No one can ever take your experiences, skills, or talents away from you.

  2. You are just what someone, somewhere, at some organization needs.

We often spend more time at work than we do with our families and loved ones. Why not hire your next employer by researching what organizations you'd feel passionate about working for and target them directly? Think companies, not jobs. And remember, just because you don't see a job posting online doesn't mean the organization isn't hiring. Most jobs are never posted because they are filled before they ever need to be. You're in control of your career.

Here's an exercise in marketing yourself to the right company.

  1. Give some thought to what kind of work would make you feel fulfilled and, in a perfect world, what kind of company you'd love to hire.

  2. Go to your local library online and find out if library cardholders have access to Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA).

  3. If they don't, you can contact the Houston Public Library and inquire about how to gain access as a non-resident.


The first step to get a library card and log into Data Axle Reference Solutions online.

  1. Go to your library’s website.

  2. Click on the “Research” tab (or something similar).

  3. Click on “Alphabetical List” under the “Search Online Database.”

  4. Click on “D” and scroll down to “Data Axle Reference Solutions – FOR REMOTE USERS.”

  5. Accept the Terms and Conditions.

  6. Enter your library card number.

Next, click on “Search” under the U.S. Businesses category.


The next step is to define your search criteria and enter it into the “Advanced Search” form.

  1. Click on the “Advanced Search” tab.

  2. Be sure that under the “Record Type” category, only “Verified Business” is checked.

  3. Enter your search criteria. TIP: If you know of a specific organization, you can search for them and get the relevant SIC or NAICS codes to find other similar organizations.

  4. Click the green “View Results” button on the right side.

For this example, I searched for non-profit organizations by “keyword” and “city/state.” When I typed “Non-Profit Organizations” in the search field, it generated a list of possible industry matches, and from that list, I chose “839998 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS”. I then scrolled down to the City/State section and chose “Santa Fe, NM.” 


Now I have a list of 138 companies, their address, phone number, and an executive name.

I click on one of the companies, and it takes me to the company profile page with additional details. As I scroll down, I can see a variety of valuable information, such as:

  • Location Information

  • Job Listings

  • Industry Profile

  • Business Profile

  • Directions

  • Business Demographics

  • Management Directory, and others.

The Management directory gives me valuable information, including names and titles of management within the company. From here, I would:

  1. Go to LinkedIn and search for people listed in the Management Directory.

  2. Send them a personalized connection request showing your passion for the company and highlighting your skillset.

  3. Start following the company.

  4. Repeat for each company that could be a prospective future employer.

  5. Network, network, network, and market yourself!


There are a variety of ways to utilize Data Axle Reference Solutions. There are many different strategies and ways to go about searching and using the information. That was just one example. The best thing is to explore it and find out what works best for you in your job search. Remember, you are in control of your career and can formulate a strategy to market yourself to those companies that align with YOUR goals.

#career #careeradvice #jobsearch #tipsandtricks #accomplishments #strategy #referenceusa #dataaxlereferencesolutions #marketing #success

Steph Guillen

I’m an art therapy and counseling master’s degree program student, as well as an artist, writer, and program director with a strong background in communications, photography, art, and job search/employment strategies. I have a passion for uplifting marginalized communities through means that champion knowledge, growth, and empowerment. My professional history largely resides in working with unemployed mid-to-high level executives, refugees, immigrants, and newcomers from the Middle East. I’ve advocated for and empowered these communities through the mediums of online graphic communications, writing, education, workshops, program development, and art.

I combine skills in art, graphics, photography, writing, project management, content creation, social media, advocacy/awareness initiatives, program development, and research to make a positive impact.

Certificates in: Positive Psychology, The Science of Well-Being, Creative Writing, Therapeutic Art Life Coaching, Career Brand Management, and Social Media Marketing. Education in Graphic Communications Technology, Photography, Middle Eastern Studies, and International Relations. Pursuing a competitive M.A. program in Art Therapy & Counseling.


• Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies while working full-time.

• Nominated for membership in Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, Sigma lota Rho Honor Society, and The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement.

• Recipient of the Global Goodwill Ambassador’s Humanitarian Award in recognition of years of impactful volunteer work, primarily in the refugee and international arena.

• Inducted into the Golden Key International Society with a 4.0 GPA in Middle Eastern Studies.

• Invited and accepted into the following committees and board: YMCA International’s Refugee College Scholarship Committee five years in a row, YMCA International’s Triumph of the Human Spirit Art Selection Committee two years in a row, United Nations Association of Houston Board Member & Global Classroom Liaison, World Refugee Day-Houston’s Panel Committee and Fundraising Committee.


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