The Power of Vision Boards and Why They Work
Over the last few years, vision boards have been exploding in popularity. In the past, vision boards were often viewed as being "hocus-pocus" out there methods to manifest life goals. However, more recently, science is backing up the principles behind vision boards and showing us why they work. So, let's demystify vision boards, what they are, why they work, and how to create one.
Put simply, vision boards are visual representations of goals, what you want more of in your life, or things that create positive feelings. They can be specific to certain areas of life, such as a career-based vision board, or time-based, such as a 2022 vision board.
Vision boards work for a few reasons.
Vision boards force you to get clear about what you want and identify how your life might look when you accomplish your goals. That's huge! We have to know where we want to be in the future before we can cultivate a strategy to get there.
Vision boards are kept in a prominent place where you see them every day. A daily reminder of your goals and what you want your future to look like is powerful. It helps your brain stay focused and on track to reach your goals. When your goals are regularly an active part of your daily thoughts, you're more likely to make decisions and take actions that support your goals.
Vision boards can provide additional motivation. If you see a visual representation of your goals accomplished daily, you're more likely to feel motivated to make that your reality. The more motivation you have, the more likely you are to succeed.
Let's use a 2022 time-based vision board to illustrate. First, if I want to create a vision board on goals or things I want to accomplish in 2022, I need to get clear about what I want 2022 to look like and what I want to achieve in that year.
Financial: I want to be debt-free and have decent savings established.
Health: I want to exercise regularly and eat a primarily whole grain, plant-based vegan diet. I want to exercise my brain by reading at least 25 books. I also want to hike new and challenging trails every month.
Career and Volunteer Work: I want to feel valued and appreciated in my job, and I want to make a meaningful contribution to the world using my skill sets, specifically through writing, creativity, art, LinkedIn, communications and marketing, job search, marginalized communities, and Middle East studies. I also want both professional and personal growth.
Education: I want to continue to improve my abilities in ceramics, pottery, and art through education, practice, and experience. I also want to take some art classes and perhaps identify options for a master's degree.
Relationships: I want to establish a deeper connection with those close to me, and I want to make new friends.
Etc. You get the idea. Make it as specific and personal as you can.
Now that I've identified some goals, I want to visualize the process involved in achieving them. Also, how do I want to physically create my vision board? Should it be on a poster board? Or more of a three-dimensional collection on a small table? What about a digital version? It all boils down to each individual's preference. There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board. Myself, I'm more of a poster board, collage, and art mixed media kind of vision board person.
Next, I scour magazines and print for images and words that represent my goals and my feelings associated with accomplishing them. For my financial goals, that might look like dollar signs, or the word "freedom," or it could be images of relaxing vacation spots that I'll be able to afford when I'm debt-free and have savings. That might look like images of beautiful ceramic art or photos of my favorite artists for my education goals. Where I struggle to find relevant images, I can create my representations with paint, drawing, and art. You get the picture. Just make it uniquely yours and meaningful to you. It doesn't need to be a masterpiece. It just needs to make you remember your goals and bring about feelings of positivity.
Once you're finished, display it in a location you'll see every single day. You'll be amazed at how this little daily reminder will help you reach your goals and cultivate a life you're happy about and proud of!
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